hey all,
I biked for 30-40 min. to get from Omiya to Ageo-shi.
I found my school, or at least the junior high. Once in Ageo-shi, in a classic case of double guessing myself, I started out going down the right road, only to decide about 200m from where the first turn would be that I was in fact on the wrong road. There followed about 45 minutes of more travelling on a similar road, until I finally found a landmark that indicated I should be close (a "hospital" that was about the size of my guesthouse building: 3 stories, small square meters). More wandering, and I found the place. It looks kinda dead and run down at the moment, but hopefully it looks better on the inside. I figured out a simple route there, and then parked my bike near the train station, and took a train back to Omiya.
All told, I spent over 2 hours biking around after days of very little activity, and I really feel like I could use some new knees.
Hopefully my bike will still be there in a few days.