Friday, June 19, 2009

A Series of Disappointments, and a Great Day

hey all,

Earlier this week, I was feeling a little down, so I wanted to pick up some pick-me-up foods: chocolate, and mango juice and yogurt to make mango lassi's with. I've seen mango juice in several places, but the cheapest is the international store in the train station. That store also has the best chocolate, i.e., Lindt chocolate. I went down to the store, only to find that it was closed for remodeling for several months.

Denied my comfort food, I figured I'd pick up some gobo snacks, which was featured in one of the pictures I posted earlier about Japanese food. These look something like pretzel sticks, and are sweet and spicy. I had seen these at another store in the train station. However, when I got there, I could not find these either.

Determined to get something, I went to a donut shop in the train station called New York Donuts, which actually only featured the classic bagel-style donut, in 2 or 3 variations.

By now convinced that some demon had it in for me, I went to the Mister Donut and, lo and behold, they did not have my favorite donuts either. Of course, I shouldn't over play this fact: of the many times I've stepped into a Mister Donut, only 3 or 4 times have they had anything good.

In the end, I picked up an old standby: tiramisu from the nearby grocery store. It's actually pretty tasty.

Not too much going on with my schools. Today was a very good day though. I taught over at the elementary school, and the kids are having a great time.

This weekend, I'll be skyping with several people, and probably on Sunday, go on my first hiking trip with some people from the Outdoor Club that I joined. The weekend of July 4th, I'm joining some more people from the Club to climb Kitadake, the second tallest mountain in Japan. If the weather doesn't look good, this might get postponed till the following week. I'm really excited about both these trips.
