hey all,
So my second school was really nice. I taught three 6th grade classes, which is a really manageable age group. I did a self-introduction, showed some pictures, had them sing along to Hello, Goodbye by The Beatles, and then finally moved on to the main lesson: the Alphabet. They had a "denshi kokuban," which is a kind of electronic blackboard where you can use the blackboard like a touchpad on a laptop, or more like a touchscreen computer display. It was pretty interesting, but the touching wasn't calibrated correctly (you'd be touching one location, but it would register 7 inches lower and to the left, so you're constantly pressing the incorrect spot accidentally), so it was actually more of a pain to use.
After my classes were finished, the principal said I could just go home, which I did, and was feeling awesome: the curriculum is basically set, so they just need a foreigner to do the song and dance bit, and it was nice to be able to go home, instead of pretending to be busy for the 2 hours after school is over.
Today, I did my interview with a headhunting company, which went OK, and have been lazing around my room since it has been pouring rain all day. This weekend is Michi's birthday, but I'm not sure what we're doing yet.