hey all,
More climbing this weekend. Michi and I went to the climbing gym Friday night after work, and there was hardly a soul there. We got to climb a lot, but they haven't changed any of the routes recently, so I think I have climbed almost all of them several times now. I was actually able to climb a 5.11a, which surprised me. After climbing a few routes, even 5.10c's and 5.10d's become hard if not impossible.
Just relaxed on Saturday and met up with a friend back in Omiya for drinks, but Sunday Michi and I went to Yugawara yet again. The weather was nice, and we arrived a little late, so it was even more crowded than usual. Still, I lead a couple 5.10b's, a 5.10b/c, and top roped a 5.10c. I tried a 5.10d on lead, but I had to come down after three bolts. That was the second time I'd tried that route, and the second time I failed it. At the gym, and outside, I want to start practicing lead climbing 5.10c's and 5.10d's more, so I can eventually climb it. The fact that I successfully climbed an 5.11a makes me think that I might be able to do a 5.12 eventually, which would put me into the "pro" category of climbers.
Tomorrow, I start my first full week of work: until now, I've been working 2 or 3 days a week, so this will mean for next month's paycheck I can finally make some decent cash. Still looking for part time work, or even a full time replacement job, but no luck so far.
My only other news is that I watched part of 300 on Japanese cable today. It was dubbed into Japanese, so I could get a few new words and phrases from it, and also just enjoy the pictures, since 300 is easily one of the most beautifully shot films in recent years. Unfortunately, they cut some of the good parts out, but left some odd ones in: they cut a couple scenes that didn't really further the plot much, cut a bunch of violence out, cut some nude/sex scenes, but then left in some nude scenes latter on, though why I can't really understand.