Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More News of the World

hey all,

Just some more quasi-random updates. I have 6 more days with my current company, and as far as I know, they have not informed my schools of my imminent departure yet, presumably because they haven't found a replacement.

It has been a bit difficult to care too much about the more unruly classes, because I'll only see them maybe one or two more times.

Friday I'm going in to my new company to talk about my teaching schedule for the up-coming weeks, instead of going to check out a new guest house like I thought I was originally. That has been moved to Sunday, leaving Saturday free.

The weather here has been rather eerie, to say the least. That record breaking hot summer, and now it has been rather cold and dreary for several weeks. The average has been 10C cooler than just two weeks ago; that's 18F degrees. That's like it being an average of 86F, and then the next day the average is 68F, and stays 68F for two weeks.

That's all for now.