Sunday, October 10, 2010


hey all,

I was able to check out the guest house near my new job after work yesterday. While talking to the teacher I'm replacing, I learned that if I move in there, I'll actually be moving into his old building.

The place seemed nice enough. To be honest, it is a little old, and a little dirty. But it will be temporary. That is the point of "guest houses:" they are places that you only have to put up with for a certain period of time. And I'm hoping that my period of time will be up next March.

The room does boast several benefits. First, it is larger than my current room. It has a massive 2 layer closet, which will probably be taken up by my suitcase, tent, sleeping bag, climbing gear, and assorted goodies. It has its own refrigerator: a model similar to the one I had in college with an real freezer compartment, and not just the little ineffective icebox thingy. And since the teacher I'm replacing lived there, it is close to my job. Probably about 30 minutes by walking, and he claims 10 minutes by bike, but that seems like taking a scenic route at a leisurely pace.

I'm going through reserving it, and planning my move for the weeks ahead.

However, the agent from the guest house in Shinkawasaki that I looked at earlier has been a little too persistent in trying to get me to move into one of his company's buildings. I keep telling him that I've been looking at a place which has a larger room than the ones he's showing me, is closer than any of the buildings he's suggested, and is cheaper as well. But he can't take the hint.

Anyway, today was supposed to be part of an outdoor rock climbing trip, but the weather has interfered and instead of a two day trip, it has been reduced to a day trip instead. We're heading out bright and early tomorrow morning and going to one of our favorite spots: Makuyama Park in Yugawara.

Some good news is that Michi and I went indoor rock climbing briefly today to make sure my shoulder was up to it, and I think I should be fine. I've got a little bit of soreness, but nothing like the shooting/jolting pain when I injured it swimming.
