hey all,
So I've finished my week at work here, and the weekend is shaping up to be a busy one. Tomorrow is skype with the 'rents, gaming/catching up with a friend, and then meeting up with Michi. We're thinking of heading to a sports shop and picking up some gear, which I can now afford thanks to the paycheck. Sunday we're heading up to Saitama to do lunch with my Michigan buddy and his girlfriend.
The paycheck was pretty nice. Less than I can expect for a full month's work, since I missed the first week of October due to finishing up my contract with the previous company. But even for all that, almost the same as what I made full time last year, so a regular month should be quite impressive. There was even attached a little calculation sheet which broke everything down by class type and pay rate per class, which to be honest I hadn't even asked about before hand. So now at least I can compare my pay to what I have recorded in my personal spreadsheet. Not that I suspect anything, but in any average month, there are so many classes, scheduling changes, etc, that sometimes there is bound to be a minor mistake somewhere.