Monday, February 14, 2011


hey all,

Here is me and Michi with our wares.
Don't ask me why traffic cones need to be cute in Japan, but there seems to be a law about it.

Dramatic, no?
The mountain we went to see is near the eastern coast of Izu, where we went rock climbing in 2009.
Palm trees just a 40 minute walk from...

...This. The mountain we wanted to see get burned.

One of our teachers will be out for a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, so I need to get in extra early to let one of the new teachers in, since he has an extra early class but doesn't have a key yet. That means it is time to take a shower, brush my teeth, and hit the futon.

Another picture of my climbing gear, but probably this is easier to understand. Quickdraws, carabiners, nuts, cams, slings, a toothbrush for cleaning dirty/chalky rock, and my protection removal tool (that black hooked device next to the toothbrush).
