Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Back, and GoT Commentary

hey all,

I've been really busy at school. Writing up daily schedules, doing an extra 15 minutes for my PM class to make up for my 5 day absence last week, doing make-up lessons, and just preparing for normal classes.

Every time I hand in some piece of requested paperwork to get my visa renewed, the immigration bureau sends me another letter requesting more documents. Apparently, they are "cracking down" on foreigners this year, which makes no sense. After the 1000+ earthquakes, many tsunamis, and the continued radiation leakage (which will apparently take the next 6 to 9 months to resolve and may end up surpassing Chernobyl in terms of radiation output), they should be happy that there are any foreigners left in Japan at all. Clearly the people who are still here are committed to being here; why make life more difficult for them (us)?

In other news, the HBO adaptation of Game of Thrones premiered last Sunday. Rather than wait a year or more until it comes out on DVD, I found a site to view it on, and I watched it yesterday and a second time today. There are more cuts than I thought there would be, and some additions and changes, of course, but I like the direction the writers and directors are going in. The world is really well realized and some of the visuals were just stunningly beautiful. The actors all did a fine job, I think, and I hope that HBO will decide to adapt the other books in the series as well. I guess that depends on how the 10 or so next episodes are evaluated by the viewers. The only down point is some sites are claiming that the viewership numbers were low compared to other hit shows' premiers.
