hey all,
So my bike chain has been increasingly crappy lately. This culminated last night, when I had to stop 6 times to put the chain back on the sprockets. When I got home, I took a good look at the whole thing, and realized that opposite sides of two different links had broken, allowing the chain to slide off in two different directions, and making it just a matter of time before the thing broke in two completely.
I even tried, as any red blooded American would do, to repair it with duct tape, but alas, this did not work.
So today I bought a new bike. It doesn't have crap on my bike in the US, but then it was an expensive bike to begin with, probably $450 dollars or so back around 1995-6 (I don't know how my mom afforded it after the divorce), and I put another $200 plus into new gears/chain, and other assorted goodies around 2006. Still, compared to the uncomfortable seat, the grinding and wheezing, the broken bike bell, unreliable brakes, etc of my now decommissioned bike, the new one whispers along smoothly, brakes easily, and is pretty nice for what I paid. For all the bad I say about the previous one, I did get it for free...
Lately, I've been having oatmeal and protein powder for breakfast and that has sadly cut peanut butter from my diet, but I think I'm still going to make some peanut butter this Saturday. And do laundry, and of course, play video games. I think I might do chili for next week's lunches. Last week was sweet and sour chicken (which was actually fine and hadn't spoiled at all even though I left it out for 12 hours). This week was tofu and egg curry. My other teachers and the students seem to have a hard time believing that I eat the same thing for lunch day after day. But my morning students leave at 1:30, and I'm almost always the last one at the school. So they can basically go sit on a tack.
Michi and I haven't talked much lately, but hopefully we'll get to see each other this weekend. I'd really like to iron out some of the details of our upcoming trips, and maybe put on a little pressure to find a place together sooner. This place is too crowded; much, much too crowded.