Thursday, June 02, 2011

Life May Continue

hey all,

I went to Kaldi Coffee Farm the other night to pick up some Chipotle Tabasco sauce, and happily discovered that they were selling Dad's Root Beer again. Just after the earthquake, they stopped selling it and I kind of gave up hope that they would bring it back.

The weather has been cold and rainy, cold and dry, cold and windy, hot and humid, hot and rainy, etc, etc. Everything except enjoyable and predictable, basically. As usual, I'm looking forward to the weekend. For some reason, I have had a ridiculously light week at work, probably because I was practically crying from the workload earlier. But I haven't been idly sitting around: I've been working on a presentation about natural and artificial selection, and I've also got my schedule more or less planned out the next month, at one level of detail or another.

My only other news worthy item is that I received two items in the mail today: one was my citizen's tax forms (BOO!) and the other was a book providing details about a bunch of hiking locations in Japan (YAY!).
