hey all,
So I`m typing this on Michi`s laptop. Below, you can find several posts that I typed up on my own computer and saved so I could post them later.
We should be getting a LAN installed in the next two or three weeks, I hope.
The situation with the air conditioner seems to be as follows. The landlord knew about the air conditioner, as it seems that he used to live in this apartment and now lives next door. The problem is that the bedroom window faces the walkway that connects all the apartments together, and if they had installed a proper air conditioner, they would need to place the compressor on this walkway. This would make it hot and also might be a hazard during an emergency.
Of course, it is not as if Japan had all the sudden become an unbearably hot country during the last 20 years. The summers here have been hot for hundreds of years. So who ever designed the building was just retarded. We`re getting by with cooling the room down before going to sleep, then shuttung the air conditioner off. It means taking a second or third shower in the morning to wash all the sweat off, but it beats not being able to sleep at all.
The first week of living together has gone pretty well. We got into a fight about the air conditioner at first, but we seem to have worked past that for now. We`ve gone shopping for some home supplies a few times, but I think we`re going to go this weekend as well. Money is quite tight, for me at least, since I had to cover move in expenses, health insurance, a newly expensive phone bill, and taxes.
Classes are going. To be honest, I`m really stressed about them, but they seem to be going well.