hey all,
So I have almost finished paying off my student loans. One more payment in January and the college loan monkey will be off my back for good! So I'll be able to make something of a financial new start around the time of the new year.
Jobwise, things are so-so. All the teachers are really busy at the moment with extra lessons, and the monthly chores of getting material and recording finished on time. In terms of behavior, one of the morning classes in particular has been giving all the teachers lots of trouble for the last few weeks, and I'm pretty fed up with my final morning class about their disrespectful attitudes during reading time. If they keep it up on Monday, on Tuesday they will only have writing and answering questions for 30 minutes, and then on to the usual grammar.
After spending almost the entire year on a fantasy binge, I decided to shake things up and read some sci-fi. The series I started is pretty good so far, but it is three books of 1,200 pages each.