Sunday, November 24, 2013


hey all,

So I've been sick on and off with a cold the last month. But today I have some happy news: I took the exam for kendo grade 1 today and passed !

My teachers said I made a few mistakes in the kata (those pesky memorized forms), but they said I made a few good strikes in my matches. They'd like me to do my best to pass the first dan this coming June. (I have technically passed the first kyu, which is a lower ranking system.)


Saturday, November 02, 2013

Marriage, and other stuff

hey all,

So I think most of my "readers" know already, Michi and I were officially married last weekend. The original plan had been to get this done in September, to coincide with our anniversary, but first one set of  paper work and another set of paper work delayed us.

Not a whole lot has really changed, but then I didn't really expect it to. Things are still going smoothly between us.

At work, we had our yearly Halloween party at school. I dressed as Leonidas, and the kids looked pretty good too. We had some pirates, cats, Spidermen, TMNTs and of course there was a Buzz Lightyear.
