hey all,
I had a really late night at the bar last night. Hopping from one group of girls to another until 3AM, then back to my pad to crash. This whole week, I've been getting up around 11 or 12. Since I don't have school, and I'm not doing a whole lot, I've been sleeping about half the time. When I got back last night, I fully expected to sleep most of the day away, but instead I wake up at 5:30AM, and can't fall asleep again.
I wasn't sick, only a slight headache and that bar smell to show for a night's worth of imbibing. Already, this bar business feels really old, but on the other hand, I feel like I missed out on this when I was actually in college.
Why would I hop from one group to another, you ask? The first group was left at my table by someone else, like baggage. After talking to them for a while, they turned out to be college students on break, one of whom was actually technically underage (legal drinking age is 20, she was 19). After finding that out it was mostly downhill. Especially after ragging on one of my friends when some of his buddies tried to hook him up with a 19 year old, there was no way I was going to pursue that.
The next one was a group of friends who met in elementary school, some of them proved interesting, and one of them even liked climbing mountains. But most of them had boyfriends, and they had to leave soon after I started talking to them.
The last group was a bunch of staff members who were hanging out and drinking in one of the back rooms. Same deal as before: by now it was almost 2, and most of them had to leave soon, and the rest had boyfriends.
Tomorrow's outdoor trip is in Tanzawa, and there is another one next weekend all the way over on Sado Island. So my plan for today is to recouerate, and I'll probably do my Utsunomiya trip during the week instead, then next weekend go on this Sado island trip.