Thursday, August 27, 2009

Updates, Part II

hey all,

I just got back from my quick trip into Tokyo to visit Sengakuji, which is a Buddhist temple where the 47 ronin and their lord are buried. It was pretty cool, but there was not too much to see aside from their graves.

I've solved part of the problem of my storage issues. I can now read/write files to my Linux partitions from Windows, and I can access one external HDD (the Ext2 formatted one), but not the other external HDD, for reasons that I cannot quite figure out.

In keeping with my current infatuation with all things Conan (thanks to the game Age of Conan), I've been reading the original stories by Robert E. Howard. They are so old that they are in the public domain, and you can read them at this site.

In other news, yet other comrade in arms has fallen: one of the ALT's that I've been hanging out with a lot is heading back to the US to pursue a law degree. It feels like they are dropping like flies. Best of luck.
