hey all,
Today I had a day off. I was supposed to work on Saturday, but they informed me too late to change my doctor's appointment, so I didn't go to work that day. Because they wanted me to come in on Saturday, they gave me Monday off. Even though I didn't go in on Saturday, nobody would go to school today anyway, so I didn't go in either. The doors would have been locked, and no students would be there to teach.
Instead, I did more laundry, researched a recipe, and went over to Bic Camera to splurge on a HD monitor. I picked up a 21" HD computer monitor so I could play my PS3 games and Blue-Ray DVDs in Hi-Def, and even after playing on it only one day, it has been worth it. Confirming my thoughts about school today, I ran into two students while I was carrying my prize back to my room. Despite being "larger" than the TV that came with the room, it takes up less desk space, and of course has much higher resolution. I can actually read the text in my games now, and of course the images are much clearer, sharper, and the colors are better too. I can even adjust the brightness, etc.
Tomorrow is my birthday. I'll be turning 27. To celebrate, Michi and I are going to cook some chili together on Saturday, and she promised to bake me a chocolate birthday cake, which was sweet.