hey all,
I've been asking around about Japanese weather recently, because I can't quite believe what's happened. Sunday, the day we went rock climbing in Hon-Atsugi, was really warm. For the last several weeks, it has been getting gradually cooler, but it has usually been comfortable in the afternoon. But since Monday, it has stopped getting warm in the afternoons and now stays cold all day. One day the weather was decent, the next it was cold.
It feels like there was no transition between autumn and winter, but more like someone flipped a switch.
I don't remember any specific days where it felt like "Ah, summer just started today," "Ah! Fall just started today," but for some reason, this Monday I said to myself "I guess winter starts today..."
In somewhat weather/seasonal related news, most of you probably don't realize that Japan has not yet joined the rest of the world in daylight savings time. So now I am waking up when it is dark, spending all my daylight hours at work, and riding to the train station at dusk (16:20).