hey all,
I skipped yoga today as I met with my Michigan buddy and I didn't watch the time too closely. It looked like I might be late, and I'd rather not show up late, so I didn't go. Besides, it is really hot and I always sweat during yoga, and I'm already sweating a lot.
So now I can tell everyone about my part time job. It is in a large shopping mall near where I live. I use the staff entrance and sign in, get an electronic tag so I can pass through the security doors, and everything. The classroom is located across from the kids toys section of the store. In our down time, we stand out front and make balloon animals, which is really tricky. I can actually only make a sword and a brontosaurus right now.
I only had two classes on Saturday and they didn't go too well. They went OK, but I don't think OK will really cut it with this company. I'd like to do better lessons, and they want to help me do better lessons, but at the same time there is pressure to make the lessons really good (so the parents will be impressed and the kids will have fun and keep coming back, thus making money, etc), which I don't like.
The lessons themselves are like this: we do a greeting, a warm up (some songs and dances, or maybe Simon says for the older kids), then a Hello song. There are different versions for different ages, so you have to memorize them to demonstrate them for the kids before they can sing them. Then there is vocab intro, which where you just teach them the new words for the lesson. After that is game time. You do a bunch of games to get them to practice: listening to, saying, and reading the words. Then some phonics practice and then you do a goodbye song.
Not too bad, right? Except these are demo lessons, so I had a 3 year old together with a 5 year old, and for my second lesson I had two 1st graders (maybe 6 years old) together with a 5th grader (about 10 or 11). So how do you make sure that the 3 year old is having fun and the 5 year old is not bored because the lesson is too simple? I sure don't know.
I'm feeling pretty mixed up about what I should do about my work situation. I could ask to only do part time with them and just work Saturdays, or I could stay with my current crappy company, or try to go full time with the new place. For the last option, there is this fear that I won't be able to live up to their expectations, which makes me shy away from joining them, but I do think they are a better company than my current one.
That's all for now. Cheers,