hey all,
This seems to be the week for failures. The failed tiramisu recipes, and then my mp3 player volume button broke, and now my PS3 doesn't read discs of any kind. I actually already found a work around for the mp3 player, but there could be one of several things wrong with the PS3. Either there is some kind of file corruption somewhere, for which I'll have to backup my data and reformat everything. Or something is wrong with the laser or lens that actually reads the discs, which will necessitate sending it in to get fixed. At this point, I don't know if I can send it into a shop here in Japan or if I'll have to send it back to the US, and in any case, I don't have the time or the money to mess around with it too much right now.
I also quit my second part time job today. They gave me a really low full time salary offer, and refused to give me Saturdays off, so I'll be completing my part time contract for this month and then saying goodbye and good riddance. As I'm sure I've said before, they did seem like a decent company, but there you have it.
As I was talking it out with one of my fellow ALTs, we decided if I was living with Michi, things would be different. I'd get to see her all the time, and getting a Monday or a Tuesday off in exchange for working on Saturday wouldn't be too bad. That would be MY day, and we could make sure to spend Sunday together. As it is, Saturday and Sunday are all we have, and we don't even get to hang out for every weekend, so our time is even more limited.
On top of that issue, is the fact that I'd have to travel more, do more paperwork, and basically be more responsible than in my current job, but for less pay. I'm already not paid enough, so who would want to do more for even less pay? In any event, I've started another round of job applications.