hey all,
My arm seems to be recovering. I went swimming the other day, and it only hurt a little. So I'll rest until Monday or Sunday until swimming again. I tried stretching a little before swimming and in between laps, and that seemed to help.
Today is the anniversary of the first nuclear attack on Hiroshima, which seems really eerie, considering that Japan's unstable neighbor to the North has been spouting crap about nuclear retaliation for the joint US-S. Korea military drills in the Sea of Japan.
Not too much going on. Been reading A Game of Thrones, translated into Japanese. I even spent a couple hours in my level 3 study book. Otherwise, just goofing around and relaxing. I broke down and bought a used PS3, so that has been eating up a bit of my free time, as well as trying to avoid heat death. Temps have been around 90-100 lately, so staying indoors and/or submerged in cool liquid is a must.
Speaking of which, time to go swimsuit shopping.