hey all,
So I've been resting the last couple days. Last Friday, I seem to have pulled a muscle or aggravated something in my right shoulder while swimming breaststroke. Any other stroke and it didn't hurt at all, but do breaststroke and it felt like hot needles jabbing into my shoulder.
The weekend was also quite strenuous. I went to Michi's family's second house near Karuizawa, and ended up doing chores all weekend. Chop those branches away from the antennas; scrap the moss of the roof; trim those dead branches; cut down that mighty tree with a herring; remove that tree stump.
I can't complain too much, though. It made me feel like I'd gone back home; since whenever I go back home, I always have a bunch of chores to do there as well. Besides, the air was so cool and refreshing: just getting out of the Tokyo swelter for a few nights was worth it. And we always eat really well, and I did get to eat for free, plus I had my return train ticket (we drove up there, but came back by train) paid for as well.
Tomorrow, if I'm feeling recovered, I'll probably go swimming again.