hey all,
If I haven't mentioned it recently, it is really hot here in Japan right now. I know most of you might still have those images of snow-covered mountains in your minds from my trip about a month ago, but for several weeks I've been taking three showers a day just to survive. Three ice cold showers. One in the morning to remove the night's sweat. Another when I get home to remove the day's sweat, which is quite copious and feels like a layer of glue covering my whole body. And a last one just before going to bed.
A few months ago there were worries about there not being enough electricity to go around. To be honest I'm not sure what happened, but there doesn't seem to be any lack. Michi and I were avoiding using the AC until about a week ago, but we've had it going at work for quite some time.
Still, it is muggy. I really like that word. I think I forgot it for about a year or so and was only using humid.That's what happens to your English when you live abroad.
Good time for swimming.
I've only been watching a little of the Olympics. Mr. Phelps got himself 18 gold coins, I see. Mostly Japan has been getting their butts kicked. Only other results I kinda know is that it seems like Kenya took gold, silver, and bronze in the women's marathon (but don't quote me on that). Even though one of those runners looked like she was just girl-running-to-the-toilet the whole time.