Sunday, August 19, 2012

Prep Week

hey all,

This last week was prep week, which means that the teachers all spent from 9 to 6 or sometimes 7 scheduling, recording, typing and editing material. So we're totally set for the next month+, but also 100% burned out.

Anyway. I've still been going through Batman: Arkham City for my second playthrough, and I just finished it a few days ago. I also re-read Neal Stephenson's Reamde, and have just started The Mongoliad, which is by Stephenson and a collection of other authors. Decent so far.

The weather, to say the least. As in, it is 87 degrees outside before 8AM. In the afternoons, I don't even want to know how it is has been. In any case, Michi and I were going to go rock climbing at a gym for the first time in several months, but due to the heat and other factors (it seems that I am susceptible to wine headaches), we canceled. She went to yoga and I went swimming instead.

In other news, Michi has official given her month notice to her company (technically, two months notice because of unused vacation time). She's currently looking for work and taking interviews, but so far nothing she's been interested in.
