Sunday, January 29, 2012

Books, Cleaning, Trip?

hey all,

I've been steadily adding books over at Goodreads, and for most of them I've been able to use the data in my journal to add when I read them. I'm still not quite complete on the list, but I'm approaching it. It has actually got me thinking whether I can use IMDB to make a list of movies and TV shows that I've seen. As one of my fellow teachers was pointing out, though, is that we won't be able to track articles that we've read. And both of us put in 100s or 1000s of pages worth of article reading for our degrees.

This weekend has been mostly homework, and cleaning. I've cleaned the refrigerator, which somehow escaped getting cleaned during the New Year cleaning spree. I also completed my second assignment for the 3rd class in my curriculum design certificate. I got 10/15 points on the last assignment. 10/10 for the actual work, and 0/5 for commenting on others. I was just too tired by the time I turned it in to bother with looking at all the other students' entries. I imagine that is how it will be for these online classes. I must say that doing them can be fun and shed light on my current teaching practices, but doing them on top of work is a bit onerous.

I haven't been playing games too much the last two weeks or so. I've gone through the tutorial for Kingdoms of Amalur for the 3rd time, but I don't think I'm going to learn anything more from it until I play the actual game. It appears that the bugs I've been encountering are not present in the release version, at least judging by IGN's review in progress. Apparently, the demo is based on an older version of the game code and was actually handled by a third-party company. If I were 38 Studios, I'd be pretty pissed right now. I mean, a demo is the first taste of your game that you give to potential players. Screwing up a demo is like an ice cream shop clerk handing over a spoon of delicious cookies and cream ice cream with a cockroach leg sticking out of it.

In other news, I might be coming back to the US for a brief visit this Spring. But it looks like Bri won't be able to help me out this time, so I'll be shouldering the cost by myself, and I'm not sure what I'd do when I go back. I'd be going by myself this time, and my driver's license has already expired, so I'm not sure how I'd get around. I'll have to look into renewing it before I arrive or once I return.

It seems like there is another TV director coming in next week, so the school is putting me back to my old class for next week, then I'll have to go back to the terrible three year olds.
Well, it is already 11:40 here, so that's all.
