Friday, October 16, 2009

What a Day

hey all,

So keeping in my tradition of making people pissed off at me before trips, Michi and I got in a fight last night.

So I spent most of today wondering whether we'd still be doing our rock climbing trip. At the moment, we've sent a few emails back and forth and it looks like we're still on.

My classes at the elementary school went really well today, and overall I was feeling good as I left work, only to discover that my bike was missing from the school parking lot. Where did it go? Who took it? Did someone just move it to a different spot? I explained what I thought to a secretary, who passed on word to a teacher, until finally the principal and vice-principal were involved in wondering what could have happened to my bike.

I spent a good 40 minutes describing the bike and going over security footage, and was about to phone The Company, when one of the teachers exclaimed "Atta!" which is Japanese for "It's here." And there it was, magically returned to the spot where I left it.

Apparently, the school owns a number of bikes. These bikes apparently use the same type of key as mine, and somehow they were able to move it to some storage place. Basically, they tried to steal my bike. Even if the bikes used the same type of key, one would think that different keys would not work on different bikes. So I bought another lock on the way home: if they want to steal my bike next week, they'll need a hacksaw.
