Tuesday, April 14, 2009


hi all,

Monday was really boring. There's not anything to say about it other than that. I sat at my desk for 7 hours.

Today, I actually taught some lessons and went over some worksheets. On my way home from work, I ran into another ALT who'd been here for several years and he helped me get a cell phone. My original plan was to rush to Omiya and try to open a bank account, but getting the cell ended up taking a while. Now I will have a phone number to give the people at the bank tomorrow.

Not too much else to say. I've been eating a little better the last few weeks, and have started socializing with some of the other ALTs in my area. Both have been pretty big boosters for morale. Part of the deal for getting a cell was waiting around in a few bars while they were making sure my info checked out, so I'm a little tipsy and will be heading to bed shortly.
