Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Life Happens

hey all,

So as usual, plans change. At least for now, I'm still planning on working mainly with my current company. But I will probably not be living in the apartment that I was excited about. Because I'll be working part time, just paying the rent would take something like 70% of my monthly wages, except that my monthly wages would not always be up to the task.

I have finally received my schedule, and it is borderline chaotic: some months I work almost full time, while others I work only 6 or even only 2 days. Since I will be paid by the day, my monthly wage will fluctuate accordingly. Each week is different from the one before, which will make working a steady part time job to fill the gaps impossible: my other part time job(s) will have to just as random.

I've found a different apartment for about 40% off what I would pay for the other apartment, except the new place is by the same housing company as I live in now. That is to say, it will be a guest house, so I'll have my own bedroom, but a shared kitchen and bathrooms. It looks to be a little bigger than my current "bedroom," but it'd be hard to get smaller.

I've continued putting in applications, and I've got a job interview in a couple hours, actually.

Unfortunately, the hanami party last weekend never happened. The weather has been a little cold lately, so the cherry blossoms haven't fully bloomed yet.
