Monday, February 08, 2010

More Job Apps

hey all,

I put in yet another round of job apps. I know it must seem like I put in a lot, but I actually counted that since August, I've only put in a whopping 31 applications. I got a reply from a potential employer which said they gave the job I wanted to someone else, but would I like to move 150 miles away from my goal for another job?

Classes have been something of a disaster lately. My 1st year teacher stopped talking to me again (besides which the 1st years are currently hundreds of miles away doing ski school) and my 3rd year students are busy doing 2nd year worksheets and doing writing practice (for which my presence is not needed in the classroom), so I've only been going to my 2nd year classes. My 2nd year English teacher clearly wants to kill each one of his students. Every time I come to class, his face, body posture, and tone of voice are really dangerous. I have to admit, even the classes which are usually well-behaved are starting to get on my nerves too. They haven't studied for most of the year and it shows, but at least before they pretended like they studied. Now they don't bother even doing that, and are loud and disrespectful in class. In the US this would not fly for a second, but in Japan it is against the rules to take a student out of class: he or she has a right to an education, even if he/she is actually disrupting class and preventing others from learning.

Changing topics completely, the maid cafe that we went to was really disappointing. The waitresses were dressed in high school uniforms, and the only thing slightly out of the ordinary was that all the food items were designed to be decorated: your pancakes get a special design in chocolate or maple syrup right at your table by the maid, the pizza gets a special dressing swirled into cute shapes, the omelet gets decorated with ketchup, etc. No one-on-one conversation, no paying to get your picture taken with the maid, no blowing on the (dangerously?) hot food for you, etc.
