Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day Off, Housing

hey all,

Just a quick note. I had the day off today, and spent a small chunk of it helping Michi buy and install 1GB of RAM for her laptop, which was previously painfully slow. Now, it is almost tolerable. We also watched Shallow Hal, which for some reason she owns on VHS.

I've also been looking for housing, and as usual, because I talk about this kind of thing to most of the people I know here in Japan, I got some good advice on apartment hunting.

In other news, Saturday is Michi and I's 1 year anniversary. We're planning on doing that most romantic of all things, going to the hospital so she can check up with some of her doctors, and I'm also making an appointment because my arm is still not normal. After that, however, we're planning on cooking a meal at my place and watching Avatar.
