Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Return to Normalcy

hey all,

My first day back actually went very smoothly, especially considering that I was substituting at another teacher's school. I was able to get up on time, had breakfast (a raisin bagel left over from helping Michi's dad move that massive desk), and even found the school without once getting lost.

The only hitch in the whole thing was that on the lesson plan/schedule I had received from my company, I was supposed to teach a unit on numbers, but actually the ALT for that school had already finished it and the school didn't bother to tell me until I was half way through my first lesson. Oh well. A little annoying, and it kinda killed my flow that I had going, but overall it still went pretty well.

They even let me leave early after lessons were finished like my one favorite school does, so that was just an extra bonus.

I used the spare time to stop by a drug store and pick up something that had ibuprofen in it. I think it might actually be something like Midol, judging by the name, but it has 150mg of good stuff per pill, so whatever.

In other news, I watched Kick Ass and Daybreakers, two movies that came out recently, and I was impressed by both of them. I ran across reviews of them on The Escapist, and decided to check them out. I highly recommend both of them. Kick Ass is an over-the-top comedy superhero movie with great action sequences, a good story, and even good acting (which is hard to come by in certain other mainstream franchises I could name); and Daybreakers is a movie actually about the oil crisis, but masquerading as a gory, intelligent vampire flick.

I have tomorrow off, so that means surfing the web, and studying Japanese.
